
Thursday, 31 July 2008

Working Holiday Visas and Short-term Jobs

Updated 12 September 2014  
Au Pairs/Nannies: Transitions Abroad Au Pair and Transitions Abroad Au Pair in Europe are good places to start getting information about au pair and nanny jobs. The French Embassy has information for non EU citizens applying for Au Pair Visas. Nannies and governesses are often taken on vacation as well. Just think about being paid to go skiing in Chamberyl.
Camp Instructors: Summer and winter camps are also an option in Asia as well as the UK, Ireland, Spain and Italy. Summer and winter camps also has good info. Ask about salary, accommodations, teaching materials, air conditioning, number of children per class, days off, and airfare.

Cruise ship work:
It can be grueling and the hours are long but you'll get a chance to take a free cruise. Sixth Star and Peace Boat have good reputations. You can find more info on the Lonely Planet forum.

Farm work/picking fruit:
It's hard work but you'll build muscles. You can find your own work or try going through an organisation such as WWOOF.

Governess: See above for au pair/nannying. Many of those companies also place governesses.

Sports instructor: Meditation and martial arts are popular so if you practice these you might be able to find a job.

Teacher: China, Japan, and Korea often have short contracts. Footprints Recruiting and Interexchange have short-term positions all over the world. Some companies such as Language Solutions in the UK, Qatar Aeronautical College in Qatar, Bell Libya in Libya, any contractors for Qatar Petroleum, and Westgate in Japan offer short contracts. If you'd like to head to Europe read Europe for non-EU passport holders. You might also look into teaching a foreign language. 

Tour guide:You'll have to do a bit of research ahead of time but you could also freelance easily.

How to get a WHVTutor: See above for au pair/nannying. Many of those companies also place tutors.

Waitress / Waiter: Be aware that some countries don't encourage tipping and others have a kitty system.

How to get a Working Holiday Visa (WHV)
Laws about work visas change often so be sure to check with the embassy of the country you want to work in as well. If you've got a passport from the EU you should be able to work in other EU countries. Please see the official EU expansion website for more info.

You're not going to get rich doing this. It's a chance to experience the culture and language while being able to work legally. Some countries have tax exemptions for working holiday visa holders. Expect to earn about $700 to $1000 in Europe and about $1000 to $2500 in Asia.

You usually have to be between 18 and 35 and you might also have to be a student or have graduated recently. Working holiday visas don't entitle you to take any independents with you. Most programmes require you to apply in your home country and prove that you have enough money to support yourself. WHVs are usually good for 3 to 24 months. They usually they have an application fee between $500 to $1500 usd. Some WHV programmes only allow you to participate again if you go home for a certain amount of time. WHVs are for people who can't get easily get permission to work in a specific country.

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  1. A very useful list thank you. Your timing for this list is perfect as I'm hoping to work in NewZealand

  2. Wow Sharon, You've done some research. This is a really comprehensive look. Hope it helps me find something soon :)

  3. Thanks! I did a working holiday in Scotland and loved it. I don't qualify for any WHVs now because I'm married and pregnant, so do it while you can!


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