"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach him to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."
Outside of Class
Students can study for hours and fail, others study for 30 minutes and pass with flying colours. Quality, not quantity works. Here are some studying tips.
- Study everyday for at least 20.
- Find a quiet place to study.
- Organise yourself. Keep your notes in order and papers in one place.
- Take breaks often. It's hard to concentrate for long periods of time.
- Don't pull all nighters.
- Set goals and reward yourself.
- Get a study group
- Look at the next chapter so you know what's coming up in class.
- Use it! Use the language that you learnt in class.
- Write it down. Don't just highlight or underline.
- Eliminate distractions. Get away from the tv, computer, loud noises etc.
- Read more studying tips
In Class
Challenge your students to only use English in class. You could try giving awards to the student or students who use the least L1 in class. Here are some more classroom tips.
- Ask questions that make them think and allow for different answers.
- After the lesson, ask the same question and see if they've changed their minds.
- Music changes the dynamics of class and makes it more fun.
- Use technology: Power point, Youtube, Twitter, smart phones, and even Facebook can be used.
- Relate it to their lives.
- Hands on learning is fun, so use surveys, charts, podcasts, websites, videos, etc.
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