"Your site is proving to be very useful, especially for Korean unis." Nick, November 2014
"Thank you for sharing, Sharon. Your a shining star--don't ever let your light go out or let anyone blow it out. Your gonna make it." Holly, October 2012.
"Best to you, Sharon, I know you have always extended yourself to help people on this site. I have always held you in high regard." fortunatekooky from Dave's ESL Cafe, July 2012.
"It seems like you are the guru!" roman510 from Dave's ESL Cafe, July 2012.
"Thanks a million, Sharon! That's a great resource you got there - very helpful! Cheers!!" Dee Gnarls, February 2012.
"I can't even begin to describe how helpful your website has been...and I just discovered it today!" Katie, 17 January 2012.
sohniye from Dave's ESL Cafe, August 2011.
"You're my knight in shining armor. As you've probably noticed, I'm undecided about where to go. These leads your giving me are very helpful. I really appreciate it." madhatter109 from Dave's ESL Cafe, August 2011.
"I read thoroughly both of the articles you posted; they have a dizzying amount of information, complete with sub-links to resources, websites, and aid. I'm very grateful for this. I believe I'll be spending the day poring over these articles and the many others found on TEFL Tips.
Thanks for your help in the threads, too, btw. If things work out for me wherever I go, I'll be sure to send a personal thank you. If you have any more information you feel like sending my way, don't let me stop you, either." Jonikiro from Dave's ESL Cafe, August 2011
"Thanks, Sharon! This is exactly the type of info that i was looking for! I especially like the EU page." Castanett from Dave's ESL Cafe, July 2011.
"Love the new look of your blog!! maria1001 from Dave's ESL Cafe, July 2011.
"Many, many thanks. Your input is extremely valuable, and I truly appreciate the time and information. Best of luck to you, and thank you again" Russell, July 2011
"You write some REALLY in-depth, informative blogs! Way to go. Best of luck on getting your Romanian Citizenship." luv2travel from Dave's ESL Cafe, June 2011
"I went over the links you gave me. They were SO helpful, thank you again for providing them to me!" liquidhazel from Dave's ESL Cafe, June 2011
"I think you are remarkable for responding to so many questions from strangers. :-)" Sandra D., June 2011.
"Well damn! Thank you!" think_balance from Dave's ESL Cafe, June 2011.
"Really good info again. The new info is under the Spain section, correct? I see you've added the CIEE program, among others. Would you mind if I posted these in this forum, NatureGirl? I don't want to steal your thunder, but I'd like to get as much relevant info in the thread as possible." elameire from Dave's ESL Cafe, June 2011.
"I will be graduating this summer. I am still looking for a program for my certification. Do you think Language Corps or TEFL International is a good choice, are they reputable? Also I am thinking of either getting in Japan, Korea or Europe. Your advice means a lot to me. Thanks." lamhung_502 from Dave's ESL Cafe, June 2011.
"Thanks very much, a wealth of information!" nz_taniwha from Dave's ESL Cafe, May 2011.
"You sent me a lot of Peru links a while back. It was very helpful." jooooooey from Dave's ESL Cafe, May 2011.
"Cheers for the info. You sound like a really nice person. Wish I knew someone like you during my brief time in Korea. Knew a few decent people but they were out numbered by weird ones :) Take care and we'll speak again." demitrescou from Dave's ESL Cafe, May 2011.
"Thanks, naturegirl - this is extremely helpful!" rotemmay from Dave's ESL Cafe, May 2011.
"I just wanted to say I've found your posts and Latin America Forum very informative." maria1001 from Dave's ESL Cafe, May 2011.
"A lot of work has gone into it! Good job, Nature Girl!" dmocha from Dave's ESL Cafe, April 2011.
"Ha! You're the one?! I came upon your site several months back during my research. You were the FIRST person that gave me hope regarding Europe. I will definitely be looking more into what you mentioned. This is incredibly encouraging. You have no idea how appreciative I am for this info. Anyway, I want to wish you and your husband many blessings on the soon to be new addition to your family. Congratulations! And once again, thank you so much for all of your insight! You are helping and encouraging many people." AndUrPointIs from Dave's ESL Cafe, April 2011.
"Hey, thanks that's a very useful site." CherieAT from Dave's ESL Cafe, April 2011.
"Thank you so much for the link! Your blog has all the information I've been trying to find on Dave's recently! It is bookmarked. Also, thank you for your time and input on the boards. I appreciate your posts and your advice to others has helped me out before. :)" Warda from Dave's ESL Cafe, March 2011.
"Just want to say thank you for your posts! You offer very usable, accurate information about options for teaching English in Spain. Your posts are
informed, accurate, and extensive." Angie929 from Dave's ESL Cafe, March 2011.
"naturegirl321, I can't thank you enough! Thanks for the PM and link to your Web site. Are there any tips/advice you have (I'm sure tons!)? Thank you thank you! You can't imagine how helpful and comforting your posts and PM's have been!! Thank you again!!!" tjc2120 from Dave's ESL Cafe, February 2011.
"You have helped me many times on my search for a job. I saw one of your other posts where you listed a bunch of sites for teaching in Europe. You are a bundle of knowledge. Thanks so much. I will keep up the search on International Schools and see where that leads me." deniserita from Dave's ESL Cafe. February 2011.
"Thanks so much for your informative response, its interesting to hear what its like on the ground:) Nice, your blog gives a really good overview of LA. " jimmy86 from Dave's ESL Cafe, February 2011.
"Thank you for the great information and kind words!" Cmozes from Dave's ESL Cafe, February 2011.
"I barely perused your site there, and I can already tell it will be immensely helpful. I will be spending some good time sifting through the different links this evening. I am truly grateful." Seamus from Dave's ESL Cafe, February 2011.
"I discovered your blog just tonight and love it! It's just the thing I've been looking for to help guide me in my desire to continue my TEFL career. My next big step is getting my MA somewhere in the world... and it's a little daunting. Any input is greatly appreciated!" Jason M., February 2011.
"The articles were very helpful and I think your site is an amazing resource overall. I appreciate the time you took to do this!" smooches, Dave's ESL Cafe, February 2011.
"Your articles are awesome. Your site is extensive. I think you have researched and written about almost every topic that could conceivably come up for an ESL teacher. You should be making lots of money for your knowledge and work, kind of like Dave himself. I think it's all there, you just need to find a way to capitalize on it. I wish I could figure out how to be prolific the way you are." Zero from Dave's ESL Cafe, February 2011.
"I really respect your viewpoint as you have done so much in the industry and given so much back. Any advice or words of wisdom that you have would be greatly appreciated." Kate S., January 2011.
"I wish there were more people like you, and you seem really dedicated to helping people in TEFL." Sara the Slytherin from Dave's ESL Cafe, December 2010.
"Perfect, wow, you really are a life saver :) Thank you so much for the help!" BtBedway from Dave's ESL Cafe, November 2010.
"As far as your blog is concerned, I spent a lot of time doing keyword/phrase searches and never came across it. There were a few great sites I came across using search engines, Dave's ESL being one of the best, but I never managed to find yours. And while Dave's ESL appears to have the best forum, your blog is by far the most informative and most helpful of any site that I have seen.Once again, I'm grateful for all your help and I'll be sure to let you know if any ideas for your site come to mind." leibowlips from Dave's ESL Cafe, October 2010.
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