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Everyone learns differently due to learning styles / learning strategies. There are many different theories out there (take a look at Wikipedia, for example). You might also want to check out all you need to know about learning styles.
If you're interested in learning styles you should read how we retrain knowledge. Bloom's Taxonomy, Dale's Cone, and the Learning Pyramid make for interesting reads.
Due to this knowledge of learning styles, differentiated instruction, curriculum, and assessment is becoming more and more common in the classroom. The University of Toronto says that learning styles can be categorised into three categories.
- Perceptual modalities: physiological; using the five senses to learn
- Information processing: cognitive; thinking
- Personality patter: affective; motivation, values, emotions, and decision making process
- Dale's Cone of Experience: best ways to learn
- Dunn and Dunn: environmental, emotional, social, physiological, psychological
- Gardner: multiple intelligences theory
- Honey and Mumford: activist, reflector, theorist, pragmatist
- How boys and girls learn differently: different ways of thinking between genders
- Learning Pyramid: how teaching methods affect how much you learn
- Kolb: converger, accomodator, assimilator, diverger
- Meyers-Briggs: sensation, intuition, feeling, thinking
- VAK: visual, audio, kinesthetic