
Thursday, 28 July 2011

Quick Tip: Grammar Game

This week's tip comes from Jabeen Mahmood who is teaching in Japan. 

Something that I like playing with my adult students who are learning all their tenses and grammar is that on the board we write a story together. I tell them that they have to use a certain number of adjectives, verbs, adverbs etc.  If they get stuck, I give them a hint: "OK, you need an adverb here, or you need an article"

I will ask them to choose a genre and imagine the story, then as the story progresses use more adjectives and conjunctions to develop the story.  The more the students play the better they get and the more they enjoy. I find it's a great help in improving their grammar and vocabulary and it's a fun.  We usually play this at the end of the lesson for about 10-15 minutes.

Another game I play with my high school students is similar to the above game but I write a few words on the board first.  So I'll write a noun, a verb and another noun on the board and then ask the students to complete the sentence, using an article, verb etc.

Here are some more more games to use in class that you might be interested in.

Got an idea for a quick tip?
Email me with your quick tip, name, and website (if you have one) and I'll post it ASAP.

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