
Sunday, 16 October 2011

Hot Topic: Personal Questions at Interviews

Politically correctness doesn't seem to be very important in a lot of overseas interviews. You may be asked if you're married or why you're not married, if you have kids or when you plan on having kids, or how long you plan on staying in the country.

While some people feel uncomfortable about answering personal questions, others have gotten used to them. Some teachers even go so far as putting a lot of their personal information on their CV. They know that they'll be asked those questions at the interview. Here are some tips on how you should answer personal questions.

What do you think?
Should employers be allowed to ask personal questions at interviews?  Should teachers put their personal information on their CVs?

Got an idea for a hot topic?
Email me with your hot topic, name, and website (if you have one) and I'll post it ASAP.

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