A new blog about TEFLing in Korea came out late last year. The author goes by the "Will Wiggle".
Way too many teachers get the short end of the stick when teaching in Korea and this is partly due to the fact that they don't know about the laws. Will Wiggle is out to change all that. He has less than 10 posts on his blog, but they're all pure gold and people are starting to stand up and pay attention to what he has to say.
In January he posted about Korea's Private School Act which states, “any teacher / instructor / professor working at a private school (not hakwons) or a private university who is going to be non-renewed must be notified in writing at least 4 months in advance and be given a chance to appeal in a hearing.” This eliminates 11 month firings which are so common in Korea. You can find the Private School Act in Korean and English on Will Wiggle's Blog or look for him on Facebook.
If you want to teach at a university in Korea, I'd definitely recommend Jackie Bolen's book, “How to Get a University Job in South Korea: The English Teaching Job of Your Dreams.” She wrote a couple of guest posts here at TEFL Tips, How to get the university job in Korea that you want and why I love working at a Korean university. She's been in Korea for over a decade and really knows her stuff.
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