
Saturday, 4 February 2012

Quick Tip: Diversify Your Income

You've probably heard the expression "don't put all your eggs in one basket" and it holds true for money as well. Retirement fund managers tell people saving for retirement to diversify their savings and you should also diversify your income. There are lots of ways to earn a bit off extra cash, both online and off line. Even if it's only a couple hundred dollars it's better than nothing. You could save this money, use it for a vacation, pay off debts, or invest it.

Here are some simple ideas to help you earn more money. If you're looking at making money online read earning money online.  If you want to make money off line read supplementing your salary

Don't forget about taxes. Some countries, like the US, require citizens and permanent residents to file every single year even if they don't owe any money.  The US also requires you to pay taxes if you earn more than $400 a year from self employment.  You can read more at US taxes for expats.

Got an idea for a quick tip?
Email me with your quick tip, name, and website (if you have one) and I'll post it ASAP.

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