
Monday, 26 March 2012

Cool Link: Brain Pop

With cool videos and interactive quizzes, Brain Pop is perfect for children whether they're learning science, social studies, ESL, math, health, art, or music.

The bad news is that it's not all free. There is a free trial that you can sign up for. At one of the schools (an international one to boot) I worked at they tried to get a different kid to sign up each week for a free trail, but I wouldn't recommend that because that's not very honest.

If you're teaching kids, try to convince your school to purchase a subscription. They have BrainPOP, BrainPOPL Jr (K-3), BrainPOP Espanol, and BrainPOP ESL.  BrainPOP is great because it takes every day subjects and really makes them interesting.

Got an idea for a cool link?
Email me with your cool link, name, and website (if you have one) and I'll post it ASAP.

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