
Sunday, 18 March 2012

Hot Topic: Money vs a Flight Home

Many contracts stipulate that the employer buys a flight back home for the employee at the end of the contract. The problem is that not all employees go back home. Sometimes they decide to extend their contract, go somewhere else within that country, or go to a completely different country. If they do this, they often lose the flight that was promised to them.

The easy solution is for employers to give employees a set amount of money to help them pay for their flight. This would save the employees the hassle of going through the school to get their flight and it would guarantee them something even if they decided to not go back home. Employers may not like this option since they often work with a travel agent that gives them special deals and they might end up paying more in cash than they would for the flight.

What do you think?
Should teachers get cash in lieu of flights from their employers?  What do you get?

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Email me with your hot topic, name, and website (if you have one) and I'll post it ASAP.

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