
Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Quick Tip: Create Material for Substitute Teachers

If you're like me, you do things your own way. You have things organised just the way you like them and you know where everything is and when you're going to teach what. The problem is that if you get sick or there's an emergency and a sub has to take over your classes, they might not understand what they should do.

I suggest making a doc on your computer or printing out info for a sub. You should explain basic things, such as which rooms your classes are in and the levels of your students. You should also consider including your syllabus and any materials that you have. If you don't have your materials, you should at least have a record of what you last did in class.

This will help in two ways. First, it'll force you to be more organised and plan ahead. Secondly, it'll help the sub if they ever have to teach your class.

Got an idea for a quick tip?
Email me with your quick tip, name, and website (if you have one) and I'll post it ASAP.

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