
Sunday, 17 February 2013

Money and Career Books for Teachers

Updated 20 October 2014
Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking
by Malcolm Gladwell
Find out how important the first few moments of job interviews, marriage, and more predict whether it'll work out or not. You can buy from Amazon or the Book Depository.

The Cheapskate Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of Americans Living Happily Below Their Means
by Jeff Yeager
Just because your neighbours have flashy cars doesn't mean that they're well-off. It's hard to avoid keeping up with the Joneses, but money in the bank and investments matter more than the latest and the greatest. You can buy it from Amazon or the Book Depository.

Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits and Other Writings
by Philip A. Fisher and Kenneth L. Fisher
Although it was first published in 1958, many famous investors such as Warren Buffet regard it as their investment Bible. Definitely worth a read. You can buy it from Amazon or the Book Depository.

Creating You and Co.: Learn To Think Like The CEO Of Your Own Career
by William Bridges
This book will show you how to identify your desires, abilities, temperament and assets and make them work for you. It will teach you how to think differently and be successful at what you do. You can buy it at Amazon and the Book Depository.

Doing Work You Love: Discovering Your Purpose and Realizing Your Dreams 
by Cheryl Gilman
Who doesn't want their dream job? A job that you enjoy doing and get paid for it. This book will help you find the right job for you as well as give you tips on how to network as well as creating the perfect CV. You can buy it from Amazon.

The Four Pillars of Investing: Lessons for Building a Winning Portfolio
by William J. Bernstein
Diversification is key. You'll learn how to make logical rather than emotional choices when investing. It shows you how to build wealth. You can buy it from Amazon or the Book Depository.

The Future for Investors: Why the Tried and the True Triumphs Over the Bold and the New 
by Jeremy J. Siegel
Written by one of the world's top investors, this book will take you step-by-step through the process of buying stocks that will be winners in the long run. You need to learn from the past in order to secure your future. You can buy it from Amazon.

How to be a Billionaire: Proven Strategies from the Titans of Wealth 
by Martin S. Fridson CFA and Martin S. Fridson
Learn strategies and tactics that will help you increase your wealth. You can buy it from Amazon or the Book Depository.

The Millionaire Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of America's Wealthy 
by Thomas Stanley and William Danko
Really cool book. Shows how you can't judge people by their houses, cars, or jobs. Also makes the argument that going to university isn't for everyone. Learning a trade, such as plumbing or becoming an electrician or mechanic can be a very lucrative career and you won't have years of students loans to pay off. You can buy it from Amazon or the Book Depository.

Millionaire Teacher: The Nine Rules of Wealth You Should Have Learned in School 
by Andrew Hallam
Very true. 12 years of schooling and most people don't know how to file taxes, save, or invest. While this book doesn't touch on taxes his saving and investing tips are great. He tells you to avoid big name know-it-alls and do everything yourself. By managing your own portfolio using logic and only having a couple items in it you'll be on your way to a comfortable retirement. If you're looking at retiring abroad, check out how and where to retire. You can buy it from Amazon or the Book Depository. You should also check out his website. He also has a list of books that he recommends.

The New Coffeehouse Investor: How to Build Wealth, Ignore Wall Street, and Get on with Your Life
by Bill Schultheis
Andrew Hallam referred to this book a lot in his Millionaire Teacher book. I have to say I wasn't impressed with it at all. Odd analogies and going on and on about the same stuff made me turning the pages not because it was good, but because I was hoping to find the good stuff. I never did. Millionaire Teacher is much better in my opinion. You can buy it from Amazon.

A Random Walk Down Wall Street: The Time-Tested Strategy for Successful Investing
by Burton G. Malkiel
This book shows the rises and falls of the stock market. From the Great Depression to the current economic crisis, you'll learn how to remain calm during the ups and the downs. You can buy it from Amazon or the Book Depository.

Success Without College: Why Your Child May Not Have to Go to College Right Now--and May Not Have to Go At All 
by Linda Lee
Just like Thomas Stanley and William Danko show in the book The Millionaire Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of America's Wealthy that it's not necessary for successful people to go to college, Linda Lee has written a whole book about it.You can buy it on Amazon or the Book Depository.

The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness 
by Dave Ramsey
This book talks about how to get of of debt and build your wealth. Dave debunks common money myths and shows you a simple program for success. You can buy if off Amazon or the Book Depository.

Tutoring as a Successful Business -  An Expert Tutor Shows You How 
by Eileen Kaplan
Being able to teach private classes is a great way to supplement your income. This book will help you pick up private lessons and keep them. You can buy it off Amazon.

Your Money or Your Life: 9 Steps to Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Achieving Financial Independence 
by Vicki Robin, Joe Dominguez and Monique Tilford
A set plan for getting out of debt and saving for the future. Guides on priorities and simplifying your material possessions. You can buy it off Amazon or the Book Depository.

The Dummies Series

401(k)s For Dummies 
by Ted Benna and Brenda Watson Newmann
Learn the basics of 401Ks. Find out about borrowing against them as well as buying company stock. You can buy it off Amazon or the Book Depository.

Cool Careers for Dummies
by Marty Nemko PhD and Richard N. Bolles
Neat book with lots of ideas for full-time and part-time businesses. Also goes to show that money isn't everything, in fact it's last on the list. You can buy it off Amazon or the Book Depository.

Commodities For Dummies 
by Amine Bouchentouf
Commodities have outperformed every asset class on the stock market for over a decade. Find out how to get in on this lucrative market. Learn investment strategies and debunk common myths. You can buy it off Amazon or the Book Depository.

Hedge Funds For Dummies
by Ann C. Logue
Find out the pros and cons of hedge funds. You'll find out how to calculate risk and choose the right hedge fund for you. You can buy it off Amazon or the Book Depository.

Making Millions For Dummies 
by Robert Doyen and Meg Schneider
Chocked full of ideas to help you grow your wealth slowly but surely. You can buy it from Amazon or the Book Depository.

Investing for Dummies 
by Paul J. Mladjenovic
Learn how to build a solid portfolio with a variety of investments. You'll get time-tested advice to help guide you through the investment process. You can buy it off Amazon.

Stock Options For Dummies 
by Alan R. Simon
Learn how to choose the best stock options your employer offers you. You'll get a realistic plan and learn what you should know before you invest. You can buy it from Amazon or the Book Depository.

Trading Options For Dummies 
by George Fontanills
Learn how to analyze investment choices. From index, equity, and ETF options, you'll learn how to balance your portfolio and the the basics of the market. You can buy it from Amazon or the Book Depository.

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