
Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Non-licensed Teachers Can Work at International Schools

This has been taken from a post I wrote in 2008 called International Schools. You can find more information about international schools in that post, such as . . .
  1. The best countries to teach in
  2. Teaching licenses and awards via distance learning
  3. Licensure for American citizens and residents 
  4. International school job fairs
  5. Recruiting agencies
  6. Recruitment calendar
  7. Applying directly to schools
  8. What to do after accepting a job
No Teaching License?
You can still get hired at an international school. Some schools, such as Christian schools or those in less popular countries will accept teachers with no license. Even if you want to work in a popular country you could get a job, depending on your background and experience. Schools need people with real life experience and know-how.

ISR wrote a post about this back in November 2009 called, International Teaching Without Credentials. It just goes to show that it is possible to work at an international school if you don't have that little piece of paper. People are very opinionated about this topic, but it looks like many teachers as well as principals believe that non-certified teachers can be good teachers. Some saying that simply having a license makes you a teachers, others state that teachers are born not made.

Against Teachers Without Formal Qualifications
  • syed hammeed says that teaching without credentials doesn't fit the profession.
  • Louis says quality of teaching doesn't matter; only licenses do.
  • Pete Janda hires teachers and says it's better to hire teachers with licenses because they know how to teach various levels, write a lesson plan, and know the current education trends.
  • Idaflorence says she can tell an unqualified teacher from far away. 
  • mrb says that saying that anyone off the streets can teach is an insult to the teaching profession.
  • Richard Evans says that most uncertified teachers are at a disadvantage because they don't know how to manage a classroom or write lesson plans.
  • NIcola Scales says that she wouldn't go to a dentist, doctor, or lawyer without certifications so why should teachers be different?
  • Sandra says that teaching credentials are necessary and that schools accept non-certified teachers so that they can pay them less. She says certified teachers spend time and money on their credentials and uncertified teachers shouldn't get their jobs.
  • gaia says that they have had nothing but trouble with uncertified teachers. Schools can help people become certified as well.
Those On The Fence
  • Mercury started as a non-certified teacher, but decided to go back and get his license.  
  • Amy says that good schools will not hire uncertified teachers but that there are also certified teachers who can't teach.

In Favour Of Teachers Without Formal Qualifications 
  • cbp was quick to disagree with Louis  who said quality of teaching doesn't matter; only licenses do.
  • Chris Davis says that although he has an MEd and has homeschooled his three kids, been the principal of a school, and lecturer, he doesn't have a teaching license. 
  • teach 2010 says that there are many credentialed teachers who can't actually teach.
  • Hellei has been teaching in international schools since 2000 and doesn't have a license. While it's hard to get a job, she shows that it's not impossible. 
  • DB says that a piece of paper doesn't mean you can teach. There are many licensed teachers who are unqualified. 
  • Between cultures says that she was raised abroad, but is a non-Japanese speaking Japanese citizen and because of that can't get a Japanese teaching license and can't get a US one because she's not American. 
  • Agunshka says that some teachers can be good without a cert and that it's hard for overseas teachers to keep their qualifications current. In addition, some certified teachers get to the top not because they're good teachers but because they're good at politics. 
  • Jill has over 25 years experience and has successfully taught at international schools without being a licensed teacher. 
  • Lostone says that you should judge people on what they can bring to a school not by which paper they have. 
  • D says that licensed proved nothing other than the fact that you can jump through the necessary hoops to get one. 
  • grm says that you have to promote quality education, not bits of paper.
  • Soumaya is a school principal and has hired certified and non-certified teachers.
  • Indigo Blue says that having real life experience has helped her teach and her students are happy to learn useful info. 
  • Chris states that although he isn't certified, there's a ton of useless info that students are learning in school and that is being taught by certified teachers. 
  • Molson went back to school to become a licensed teacher and said he knew about 90% of the info they taught them and was a waste of time. 
  • Duras says that he say people switch their majors to teaching because it was the easier thing to do. He also saw qualified teachers stop teaching becuase it was too hard, they had too little vacation, were bored, etc. He also says there are too many programmes out there trying to get teachers. 
  • Anonymous says that being a good teacher is innate.
  • Anonymous makes a good point by saying he would hire a person who has 10 years teaching experience with no certificate before a first year certified teacher. If a non certified teacher has managed to work hard for ten years, get hired by schools, make a difference in the classroom, and build a portfolio then why not? There are many exceptions to the rule, life is not one way.

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