
Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Hot Topic: What Schools Are Requiring In Order to Renew You

Schools are getting pickier and the competition is getting fierce as far as renewal goes. Many schools out there simply want the best teacher they can get while giving out as few benefits and as low a salary as they possibly can.

Here are some things schools ask for when deciding to renew you or not. It's pretty easy for the admin to get rid of teachers they don't like, making the renewal process similar to student evals: a popularity contest.

Administrative Duties
  • Keeping office hours: you should sign something to prove that you've kept office hours.
  • English corners / help desk: you should sign something to prove that you've done these hours.
  • Meeting with students: during office hours or outside of class
  • Presenting at workshops: they might not give you points for if they don't like the workshop topic.
  • Presenting at meetings: they won't let you do if they don't like you.
  • Quality of teaching material: easily fudged if they don't like you
  • Recording your classes: sometimes they require you to record classes and upload them.
  • Publishing: they might not give you points for if they don't like the topic. Or let you go for publishing even though they hadn't told you that you needed to publish.
  • Developing new material, i.e. books: they won't let you do if they don't like you.
  • Teaching X number of hours: if they don't like you, they will make sure your classes get cancelled so you can't fulfill your contractual hours.
  • Teaching overtime: forget it if they don't like you.
  • Teaching make-up classes: you should sign something to prove that you've done these hours.

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