Updated 15 May 2014
Here's the information for Brunei for The Best TEFL Jobs in the World. There are restrictions as far as nationalities go. I've been told that it's practically impossible to get teaching jobs there. You might also want to look at The Best TEFL Jobs With Worldwide Employers.
If you know of any other good ones, please let me know by emailing me at naturegirl321@yahoo.com
Brunei's Changing
Brunei has just passed Sharia law as of April 2014. Here's a post discussing it.The NY Times also recently wrote about the hypocritical, sex obsessed sultan family. While it's not Saudi, freedom is starting to become limited for people living there.
Teaching Jobs
There are opportunities to teach in public schools in Brunei. You have to be from one of six countries: Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, or the UK. You will also need to have a valid license and drive.
Salaries are tax free from B$42,000-B$77,000. Contracts are 18-24 months with the opportunities to renew for up to 2 years. There is free or heavily subsidized housing provided. If you have children there is heavily subsidized private education for up to 2 children (3 if you're a teaching couple). There are also allowances for your spouse and 2 children until primary school. You will get Malay language lessons, an interest-free car loan, and a settlement allowance of B$500-B$1,500.
You will have to have some type of teaching background for example a PGCE, B.Ed, DipT, etc. as well as 3 years teaching experience. You will also have to be under the age of 55.
Schools are closed on Fridays and Sundays, so you will have to work on Saturdays. There are four quarters per year and each lasts about 10-11 weeks. You will have about 10 days off between quarters. The school year has 200 days. CfBT and Teach Away Inc place teachers in public schools in Brunei. Teach Away also has an online TEFL cert from the University of Toronto.
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