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From http://www.lonelyplanet.com/maps/asia/south-korea/ |
Here's the information for South Korea for The Best TEFL Jobs in the World. All of these jobs offer pension and medical insurance unless otherwise stated. You might also want to look at The Best TEFL Jobs With Worldwide Employers. The website, Seoulistic has some good information about where to find the highest paying teaching jobs in Korea. While aimed toward military families, the Seoul Survivor has useful information for those moving to Seoul.
If you know of any other good ones, please let me know by emailing me at naturegirl321@yahoo.com
Considering China?
Many teachers in Korea seem to want to go to China. If you're one of them, check out my list of the best TEFL jobs in China, which has 35+ well paying jobs.
How to Find Jobs
Do your researchJob conditions change all the time. Good places to check about updated info are
- Dave's ESL Cafe
- Foreign Professors and University English Teachers
- Waygook's forum and their Facebook page
Here are some places to look for jobs in Korea. Don't forget about networking!
- Jobs.ac.uk
- The Chronicle
- Craigslist
- Dave’s ESL Cafe
- Foreign Professors and University English Teachers
- The Guardian
- Higher Ed Jobs
- Korea Bridge
- TEFL Jobs Overseas
- TESOL.org
University Jobs in Korea
The downside to working at universities in KoreaThere are tons of people out there who would like to work at a universities, however, some people don’t think it’s all that it’s cracked up to be. Many, many universities are paying similarly to what they paid years ago and haven’t taken inflation into account. In addition, the days of 9-12 hours of classes a week are gone as most places require 15-18, plus office hours (with 3-6 being the norm) and 1-2 hours of English Corners. While some universities are able to create block schedules, others aren’t, meaning that you might have an hour or 3 or 4 between classes. All this means that your 15 hours can easily double to 30 hours at work.
Some universities punish faculty by making them work with the foreign teachers. Other directors may not speak English. Some universities don’t have many overtime opportunities or extra work during the breaks. On top of that they may refuse to give you permission to work elsewhere during the vacation period. In addition, few universities offer yearly cost of living allowances. More and more universities are requiring at least an 85% on student evals in order to get renewed.
Don’t get me wrong, university jobs are good
It’s nice to get 5 months paid vacation, and only have to work 3 or 4 days a week, and teach 15 or 18 hours. There are reasons why people enjoy university jobs. Money’s not everything. Universities offer teachers the chance to work to live instead of live to work. Some teachers use this extra time to work at other jobs, study for another degree, learn Korean, spend time with their family, or just take it easy.
New requirements to work at universities
Starting in 2014 most universities require you to have at least a BA plus 4 years university equivalent teaching experience or an MA plus 2 years university equivalent teaching experience or a PhD. Most universities prefer the teaching experience to be in Korea and for people to have masters. There have been different theories about what the equivalent of a year of university is. Some say that hagwons don't count. Others say they count for half a year. Some say that public schools are 6/10th of a year. Public universities are 8/10th and private universities are a full year. No one really seems to know and different universities seem to have different interpretations of the rules. One things for sure, it's hard to get university experience if you first need university experience to get hired.
Tips for Getting a University Job
Apply to universities outside of Seoul. There’s stiff competition in Seoul. Universities know this and use this to their advantage. It’s clearly an employer’s market. Salaries are often low (under 2.5 mil a month) and many places don’t give housing, even though living in Seoul is expensive. Some give housing, which is often a dorm or a small housing allowance (about 300,000 won a month). Some places that offer housing will not give you an allowance if you choose not to live in their housing.Apply to religious universities. This is a touchy one as there are some universities that are super religious and there are some that are religious just in name. Some require a statement of faith or even a baptismal certificate. These universities often get fewer applicants since people can be wary about mixing religion and work. If you apply to a religious university, find out if you are required to participate in any functions, such as chapel.
Apply even if you’re slightly under qualified. What universities want and what they get can be very different. It’s all about who you’re competing with and where the uni is. A top uni in Seoul is probably going to get a glut of highly qualified applicants. A small religious uni in the sticks probably won't get that many. We’ve all seen universities place an advert and then place another one a couple weeks later. Some universities scramble to find teachers in February, or worse, after the semester has started. Current teachers leave last minute or new teachers accept a position elsewhere, which means that you may get the job.
Now I’m not advocating you to apply to positions that you’re totally unqualified for. However, if the university requires 2 years teaching experience and you have 18 months, you may have a fighting chance. Or if they require an MA, but you’re one class away from finishing, it might be worth applying.
Network, network, network. Not all job openings are advertised. Some only advertise on their own website. By networking, you can learn which universities are hiring and where they place their adverts. Name dropping on the cover letter and at the interview can also help you get jobs. Before you drop someone’s name, contact them and ask permission. Name dropping can also work against you if the interviewer doesn’t get along with that person.
More tips. I definitely recommend Jackie Bolen's book, “How to Get a University Job in South Korea: The English Teaching Job of Your Dreams.” She wrote a couple of guest posts here at TEFL Tips, How to get the university job in Korea that you want and why I love working at a Korean university. She's been in Korea for over a decade and really knows her stuff.
My Job List
Most of the jobs below are university jobs, but there are a handful of hagwons and public schools. As mentioned above, many universities are now requiring teachers to have at least an MA. Any jobs (university or otherwise) that don't require an MA are marked with an asterisks (*). Summer and Winter Camps
I'm working on putting together a good list of camp jobs in Korea. It seems that many camps may be cancelled to the the Sewol Ferry accident. If you happen to know of any, please let me know.
- *Apple Trees Education: They're located in Gyeongsan near Daegu. They need teachers who have experience teaching sports, art, theatre, or similar activities. You can work either 4 or 8 hours a day. The camp lasts for 3 weeks and you'll be paid up to 4 mil. Contact jaeahn@gmail.com
- Konkuk University: They're located in Seoul. You'll teach kids grades 4-6 for 20 hours a week for 2 weeks. 1.2 mil won. Contact kfli@konkuk.ac.kr
- 10 day camp. You'll get 1.2 mil won and free lunches for working 8:30am-2:30pm. Teaching hours are from 9:00am-2:30pm. You'll teach middle school students and there will be fewer than 15 students per class. They're looking for people with teaching certificates and lots of experience teaching kids. Contact Davidyclee01@gmail.com, Director of The Association of University Continuing Education Center, Korea.
- *Korea Minjok Leadership Academy (aka Minsa or KMLA): Located in Gangwon-do. It's an elite prep school similar to Daewon Foreign Language School. Their camp lasts for 2 weeks. You'll get 50,000 an hour, which comes to about 1 mil a week.They don't advertise and it seems like you have to know someone to work there.
- *Gyeongsang National University: For 10 days you'll get 2.3 mil won. You'll teach between 9am-9apm. You'll need at least a BA. Teachers with camp experience are preferred.
- KAIST Camp: Located in Daejeon. You will work from 9:15-5:50 Monday to Friday. It's a month long camp and you will get 38,000 an hour, total is about 4.9 mil won for the month. Housing is provided.
- *NLCS Jeju English Camp: You will work from 91m-6pm and teach 10-12 students per class. Children are in grades 1-9. They have a 2 week (2.0 mil won) and a 3 week (3.0 mil won) option. Contact mrlee840@hotmail.com
- *Sangmyung University: 11 day camp. You'll have to teach 1 Saturday. You'll get 1.6 mil won and free lunches for working 8:50am-6:00pm. Teaching hours from 9:20am-4:35pm. You'll teach elementary students and there will be fewer than 15 students per class. They're looking for people with teaching certificates and lots of experience teaching kids. Contact Davidyclee01@gmail.com, Director of The Association of University Continuing Education Center, Korea.
- *Seoul English Village, Suyu Camp: This camp lasts for a month and you work 9am-6pm or 12-9pm. You'll get 3.05 mil won plus a studio apartment with utilities included. You'll teach kindergarten to middle school.
- *State University of New York Songdo: They have a one month camp for university students. It's from 9am-6pm and you'll get 2.3-2.8 mil won, plus a dorm room, your own classroom, and free lunch. They only accept F visa holders. Contact golds@sunykorea.ac.kr
- *Soongsil University: They have a one month camp from 9am-6pm. You'll get 2.8 mil won and free lunch. Contact 215coramdeo@gmail.com
- *Sungkyunkwan University:
- *Yonsei FLI GIFT: If the camp lasts for 3 weeks (like in 2013), you teach Mondays-Fridays (2.4-2.5 mil won), or Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays (1.5-1.6 mil won). If the camp lasts for 2 weeks (like in 2014), you teach Mondays-Fridays between 9:30am-8:30pm (40 hours max of teaching) and get 1.7-1.9 mil. If you're hired from outside Korea you will be given 1 mil for airfare. They prefer teachers who have teaching licenses, masters in Education or English, experience working at schools in the US, or experience working at foreign language, elementary, middle, or high schools in Korea. Contact yonseigift@gmail.com
Multiple locations
- *EPIK (English Program in Korea): The place teachers in public schools around the country. While there are far less positions than before, EPIK is still a good job due to salary, benefits (including severance, housing, settlement, and airfare), and treatment. You'll teach about 20-24 hours a week but will have to desk warm for the rest of the time. Salary is 2.1-3 mil salary (in Seoul, other places top out at 2.5-2.7 mil), at least 400,000 for housing, 2.6 mil for flights, 1.6 mil for pension, 3 mil for severance, and 18-21 days of vacation plus Korean holidays. (Teachers in Gimhae may get more days off, which is one reason why it (along with JAL) is one of the most competitive public school positions in Korea.) If you renew your contract you get an extra 5 days of vacation.
- *Puruni Childcare: This is a nursery school that will only hire people who have their own visas. You'll get 3.5 mil a month and work from 8:30am-2pm.
- Busan University of Foreign Studies (BUFS): They give teachers 36 mil, 60 days vacation, an E1 visa, and airfare for teaching 12 classes a week.
- Dong-A University: You'll get 2.5 mil plus for a housing allowance of 350,000 for teaching 9 hours per week. Overtime for freshmen classes is 14,000. Other classes are up to 50,000 an hour. About 25% of the teachers have to work past 6pm. 2 year contracts are given. In the past it was hard to get renewed as they tended to get rid of the bottom 50%. Things have changed and now as long as you teach 50 extra hours per year (classes during breaks or overtime) you will get renewed.
- Dongseo University: 2.4-2.5 mil won plus 300,000 for housing or free university hours. You'll teach 12 hours. Overtime is 14,000-40,000 won. At least 8 weeks vacation. Possibly pay rises every 2 years.
- Kaya University: If you teach subject classes such as Economics, Management, Public Admin, Education, Biology, Nursing, etc, then you'll teach 12 hours per week and get up to 50 mil per year, 8 weeks vacation, an E1 visa, and a studio apartment. There is no research required. Regular English teachers only get 2.1 mil.
- *Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power Company Human Resources Development Institute: They are located in Ulsan. You'll teach classes with up to 10 students. A background in science or engineering is preferred. 2.9 mil won plus 450,000 won for housing. You'll work between 9am-6pm with an hour break for lunch. 15 days paid vacation, severance pay, airfare (for E2 visa holders), national pension, national health insurance, and industrial accident compensation insurance. Contact austin@khnp.co.kr or 33002401@khnp.co.kr
- Pusan National University: The Department of Global Studies offers 3 mil won, housing or an allowance, at least 5 weeks vacation a year, and a one way ticket out of Korea at the end of the contract for teaching 12-18 credit hours a semester (anything over 12 is over-time).
- *Silla University: For teaching 12 hours you'll get 2.3 mil won, plus housing or an allowance of 300,000, and a one way ticket home when you leave Silla. 4 months vacation. You can teach during breaks and are paid 42,000 an hour. The pay's not that high, but the hours are good. Some teachers teach 6-8 hours of overtime a week.
- *Apple Trees Education: Located in Gyeongsan they're looking for people to help plan their summer and winter camps. You'll need an MA in Education, TEFL, or related field plus experience as either a camp director or head of school. You should also have 5 years of elementary teaching experience. Some of your responsibilities will be to define all the camp goals, prepare teacher training, develop curriculum, assign staff activities, and have a crisis management plan. You'll be paid 4-4.5 mil won a month, have on campus housing or a 400,000 won allowance, as well as 1 month paid vacation. Contact jaeahn@gmail.com
- Catholic University of Daegu: They have a variety of positions. They all require an MA plus 2 years experience. They also offer 5 mil for each SSCI article you publish and there's funding for international conferences.
- Department of English Language and Literature: You'll teach 9 hours per week and may teach up to 16 days during breaks. You'll get 2.7-2.95 mil won. Five months vacation.
- Foreign Language Education Center: You'll teach 12 hours per week and up to 16 days during breaks. You'll get 2.45-2.5 mil won. Five months vacation.
- Graduate School of Education offers 2.5-3.0 mil won, housing, 45 days vacation, 15 classes, and round trip airfare at the end of the contract.
- Daegu Polytechnic College: Along with Kapiolani Community College in Hawaii they have created a programme for students to study at DPC and then transfer to KCC. They offer 44-50 mil won, housing, round trip airfare for 18 hours of teaching, 10-12 office hours, and 2-6 weeks of vacation. They also offer severance pay.
- Daegu University: They offer 2.6 mil won a month plus 400,000 won for housing or on-campus housing. You teach 8 hours per week and hold 5 office hours.
- Keimyung University: They have an Intensive Teacher Training Programme in which you will train secondary school English teachers for 18 hours a week. In return you will get 2.9 mil won, housing, return airfare, and severance.
- Kyungpook National University: 2.51-2.74 mil for 18-20 hours per week. 100,000 raise after one year contract. Severance, and housing or allowance. Minimum of 8 weeks vacation.
- Yeungnam University: You will teach 12 hours a week during the semesters and up to 15 hours per week during the breaks. You will get 3 mil won, severance, housing or an allowance of 450,000, an E1 visa, and 5 months vacation.
- Ajou University: Located in Suwon, teachers at Ajou teach 15 hours over a 4 day work week. You'll received 2.6 mil won, 300,000 a month for housing (but only for the first 3 years that you work there, after that there's no housing allowance), and five months vacation.
- Anyang Technical College: now Yeonsung University.
- Anyang University: You'll teach 15 hours per week and receive 2.4 mil won plus 500,000 for housing.
- *Appletree Nursery: Owned by YBM, they have 3 schools in Seoul. This hagwon pays 2.1 mil won plus 400,000 for housing. You'll also get national health insurance and pension and a ticket back home (but not to Korea). You work from 9am-5pm, but only teach 2-3 hours a day. Many teachers have been there for years. The school is for children aged 18 months to 5 years.
- *Bucheon University: You'll teach 15 hours a week plus 6 of overtime. Pay is 2.3 mil won plus 350,000 for housing. 8 weeks vacation.
- *Bundang Daejin High School: You'll get 2.2-2.5 mil won and 400,000 for housing. You'll work from 8:00-4:30. Extra classes are available for 40,000 an hour. Max of 24 hours a week. In the summer you'll have 2 weeks of extra classes and 2 weeks of paid vacation. In the winter you'll get 3 weeks of extra classes and 5 weeks of paid vacation. During exam you'll get 4 weeks of paid vacation.
- Bugil Academy: A small prep school with a 6:1 student-teacher ratio.The academy is a school within a school. Students live on campus for 3 years. All courses are taught in English and the subjects are: English, Social Sciences, Science, Spanish, Chinese, and Math. Their students have gone to top universities in Europe and America. Check out their impressive faculty. Pay is from 3.7-5.5 mil won plus housing and benefits.
- Catholic University of Korea: They are located in Bucheon and have many different departments.
- English Language and Culture Department (ELCD) needs teachers to teach 15 hours per week as well as teach one 48 hour vacation class. You'll get 3.1 mil won, severance, housing, an E1 visa, and 4 months vacation.
- Global English Outreach (GEO) needs teachers to teach 16 hours a week, and one class during both the summer and winter breaks. You'll get 2,923,076 won. You'll also have to do 3 hours of extracurricular activities, such as work in the Global Lounge, Counseling, Club, English clinic, etc.
- International Language Education Center (ILEC) needs teachers to teach 15 hours per week as well as teach one 48 hour vacation class, you'll get 3.1 mil won, severance, housing, an E1 visa, and 4 months vacation.
- *Chase Academy Hagwon: One of the boutique hagwons. Pay is about 4 mil won a month for 6-10 hours of work a day. They don't advertise much; most people get jobs through networking. They usually prefer you to have your own visa, ie. F2, F4, F5, F6. Some people are able to make 10-15 mil during peak months.
- *Charlie and Charlie's English Boot Camp: Located in Yongin, teachers teach elementary to high school students. You'll teach between 2-10pm and there are several breaks between classes. Female, F-visa holders are preferred, though they encourage everyone to apply. You must be from Canada or the USA as well as be fluent in another language, or have studied another language for 4+ years. Base salary is 2.6 mil won and commission pay is up to 5 mil won. (I have no idea how the commission pay works.) Contact them at engbootcamp@naver.com
- *Cheongshim International Academy: Located in Gapyeong. It's an elite prep school similar to Daewon Foreign Language School.
- Chung-Ang University: You'll teach for 18 hours a week, 3.9 mil won plus 500,000 for housing, and an E1 visa.
- Cyber Hankuk University of Foreign Studies: For teaching 9 hours, and holding 12 office hours, you'll get 2.6 mil and 8 weeks of vacation (4 in winter and 4 in summer). There are weekly Saturday classes or events. Contact cyber.hufs@gmail.com
- *Daechi-dong Hagwons: There are a lot of boutique hagwons in this area. Pay is about 4 mil won a month for 6-10 hours of work a day. They don't advertise much; most people get jobs through networking. They usually prefer you to have your own visa, ie. F2, F4, F5, F6. Some people are able to make 10-15 mil during peak months. Seoulistic has more info.
- Daewon Foreign Language High School: You'll need high test scores and to be from a top university. They pay 33,000 per hour.
- Dankook University: They have campuses in Jukjeon and Cheonan. You'll teach 14 hours, have 2 hours of English Cafe. You'll get 3.5 mil a month plus 285,000 for housing. Anything over 14 hours will be paid at the overtime rate of 40,000. Most people teach 17-19 hours. You will also have to teach at least 2 night classes. There's a 4 day work week and 5 months vacation, but some people teach for 3 weeks during vacation. 2 hour classes meet once per week. Camps usually consist of 2 classes that each meet for 2 hours for 3 weeks.
- Dong-Ah Institute of Digital and Media Arts (DIMA): Located in Anseong, they need teachers to teach for 16 hours a week as well as 2 weeks during breaks. You'll get 2.6 mil won plus housing. 8-16 weeks vacation a year.
- Dongduk Women's University: You'll teach 15 hours a week, have 6 office hours, and 1 English corner. You'll get 2.5 mil won plus housing, 5 months vacation, a 2 year contract, and a 4 day work week.
- Dongguk University: You'll teach 12 hours per week, have 2 hours of English Zone, and work 4 days per week. You'll get 3.0 mil won per month.You also may have to teach for one month during each of the semester breaks. Overtime is 22,000 an hour.
- *Dongnam Health College: Located in Suwon; they never advertise since positions are filled through word of mouth. You'll get 2.7 mil won a month and teach 3 days per week. 12 teaching hours per week and no office hours. You only work for 14 weeks each semester.
- Duksung Women's University: For teaching 12 hours per week, you'll get 2.8-3.0 mil won. There's a housing and research allowance.
- Eulji University: Located in Seongnam. For teaching a minimum of 9 hours a week, you'll get 3.0 mil won.
- Ewha Women's University: Ewha has a very difficult application process, which I believe is a good thing. I've written about all the docs they require for their application as well as their comprehensive interviews. Unfortunately, they're cutting their vacations. However, it's still a good place to work due to the pay. You'll teach 4-5 classes (12-15 hours) a semester and have 4 office hours per week, plus another hour for the Writing Clinic. You'll get at least 3 mil won, but only 12 weeks of vacation.
- Gachon University: They have campuses in Incheon, Ganghwa Island, and Seongnam, you'll teach a minimum of 15 hours per week. People with teaching certs, English Education degrees and/or doctorate degrees are preferred. Salary starts at 3.5 mil won a month, overtime is 40,000, and you'll get 5 months vacation.
- *GEPIK (Gyeonggi English Program in Korea: It's similar to EPIK but for Gyeonggi province.
- Global Elite Pilot Program: 3 mil a month and 10 mil for key money for teaching five classes a day between 9am-6pm, and 10 days vacation.
- *GNUCR (Gangnam-University of California Riverside): It's like EPIK, GEPIK, and SMOE you'll be teaching in a public school, but in Gangnam. They advertise on Dave's. The benefits including severance, a housing allowance, settlement, and airfare. You'll teach about 20-24 hours a week but will have to desk warm for the rest of the time. Salary is 2.1-3 mil salary, 900,000 for housing, 2.6 mil for flights, 1.6 mil for pension, 3 mil for severance, and 18-21 days of vacation plus Korean holidays. They also had a director position that paid $60,000-$65,000 per year.
- GIFLE (Gyeonggi Institute for Foreign Language Education): You'll be training English school teachers for one month at a time. You'll get 2.7-3.0 mil won a month plus housing, settlement, severance, flights, and 35 days vacation. You'll work between 9-5pm and get an hour off for lunch.
- GPOE: Gyeonggi Provincial Office of Education needs teacher trainers. Pay varies according to qualifications and experience.
- *Hackers Hagwon: One of the boutique hagwons. Pay is about 4 mil won a month for 6-10 hours of work a day. They don't advertise much; most people get jobs through networking. They usually prefer you to have your own visa, ie. F2, F4, F5, F6. Some people are able to make 10-15 mil during peak months.
- Hanyang University: They have a couple of positions
- College English Education Committee (CEEC) needs people to teach 12 hours per week with 4-6 hours of overtime (paid at 25,000) and 2 office hours. You'll get 2,688,550 a month. A studio apartment is also provided or 300,000 for a housing allowance. They'll give you a 2 year contract and an E1.
- Hanyang University TESOL Program (HYU TESOL) needs part-time teachers to teach 1.5-9 hours a week. Pay is 55,000 an hour. Email tesol@hanyang.ac.kr
- *Hankuk Academy of Foreign Studies (HAFS) (Waedae). Located in Yongin. It's an elite prep school similar to Daewon Foreign Language School. You'll teach for 20 hours. A teacher's license or TEFL cert is preferred. No MA required. Experience teaching writing and debate is a plus. 3 mil plus 400,000 won for housing. 300,000 settlement plus flights. 14 days paid vacation. personnel@hafs.hs.kr
- Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS): They have campuses in Seoul and Yongin. HUFS has a publish or perish rule. You do get paid for SSCI articles that are published though.
- The College of English Interpretation and Translation (EIT) needs teachers to teach 12 hours per week. You will receive 3.0-4.1 mil won, housing, airfare, an E1 visa, 5 months vacation, and research incentives.
- The Foreign Language Education Center: You'll get about 3.2 mil for teaching 12 hours. There's lots of overtime opportunities. Overtime ranges from about 28,000 for a 50 minute credit class, to 38,000 for English Zone, to 75,000 for a 75 minute intensive summer/winter class.
- The Korean-English Department in the Graduate School of Interpretation and Translation: For teaching 8 hours you will get 3.2-4.8 mil won. You must be bilingual.
- Hansung University*: For 15 hours a week you'll make 2.4 (BA) - 2.5 (MA) mil won. You'll either get housing or an allowance, and 8 weeks vacation
- *Hanyoung Foreign Language High School: Located in Seoul. It's an elite prep school similar to Daewon Foreign Language School.
- Hongik University: You'll teach 15 hours and work 4 days per week. You'll also hold 4 office hours and get a 2 year contract. Salary is about 3.5 mil won for Seoul, a higher salary is offered for the position in Jochiwon. Your MA must be from an English speaking country and done on campus. No distance/online degrees are accepted.
- *Hoyah Hagwon: One of the boutique hagwons. Pay is about 4 mil won a month for 6-10 hours of work a day. They don't advertise much; most people get jobs through networking. They usually prefer you to have your own visa, ie. F2, F4, F5, F6. Some people are able to make 10-15 mil during peak months.
- *Ian English: A hagwon located in Gangnam.
- Incheon National University: You'll get 2.3 mil won plus 300,000 for housing for teaching 12 hours per week.
- Inha University: They give E1 visas. They hire through recommendations. I've been told the job advert and interviews are all a bit of a ruse since they know who they'll hire anyways.
- The University English Programme in the Institute of General Education needs teachers to teach for 15 hours per week between 9am-3pm and hold 5 office hours per week. You will get 3.1-3.4 mil won, 5 months vacation and a resettlement allowance.
- The Department of English Language and Literature needs teachers to teach 9 hours per week. You will get 3.3 mil won, 5 months vacation, and a 2 year contract.
- *Konkuk University: For teaching 18 hours per week you'll get 2.75 mil won. 30,000 for non-credit classes. 20 mil key money. Contracts are 14 months long.
- *Kookmin University: They have a couple of positions.
- English Department: You'll get 3.4 mil won for teaching 9 hours per week.
- Instititue of International Education (IIE): you'll get 45,000 per hour and teach up to 25 hours a week. This is an hourly position.
- *Korea Aerospace University: Located in Goyang. You'll teach up to 15 hours per week and get 2.75 (BA) - 3.1 (MA) mil won. There's 4 months vacation.
- Korea Polytechnic University: Located in Siheung City, near Jeongwang subway line, they pride themselves on having small classes with many contact hours. You'll teach 3 classes of 6 hours each and some teachers only work 3 days a week (MWF from 11:30-7:00). You'll also have 5-7 English cafe hours (paid at 15,000) per week. You are required to teach for 5 weeks during vacation. Usually teachers only teach 1 course in winter or summer. Anything over 100 hours is paid at 20,000. Pay is 2.5-2.8 mil, a minimum of 8 weeks vacation (most teachers get 14), 100,000 won a month for meals, contract completion bonus of 2.4 mil won, free on-campus studio apartment or 300,000 housing allowance.
- Korea National Diplomatic Academy: You'll work from 10am-5pm and have a 6 month contract. Salary is 4 mil per month.
- *Korea National University of Education (KNUE): They need people to teach composition on their Intensive English Teacher Training Programme (IETTP). Pay is 2.7-3.1 mil won and based on 18 hours of teaching per week.
- Korea University: They have jobs in different departments.
- The Enrichment Program has you teach 18 hours per week. Salary starts at 2.3 and there's 450,000 given for housing.
- The IFLS (Institute of Foreign Language Studies) needs teachers to teach up 18 hours per week (15-16 hours on average). You'll get 3.5 mil won, roundtrip airfare, an E1 visa, and at least 8 weeks vacation, though teachers often get more vacation. On-campus housing available.
- Kyonggi University: They need people to teach up to 15 hours a week mainly at the Suwon campus though you may also have to teach at the Seoul campus. You'll get 2.6-2.7 mil won and 4 weeks of vacation in the winter and 4 in the summer.
- Kyunghee University: They have a number of different contracts with different pay and hours. Some provide key money.
- Institute of International Education: For teaching 12 hours per week and holding 3 office hours you'll get 3.1 mil won, 8 weeks vacation, a 2 year contract and subsidized housing. Overtime is 30,000.
- Kyungwon University: You'll teach 15 hours per week and get 3.0-3.5 mil won with 5 months vacation.
- *Myongji College: Located in Seoul. It's the same as the university except you are teaching students who are doing 2 year programmes. You'll get 2.3-2.5 a mil won, 600,000 for housing, severance, and a re-signing bonus of 1 mil won.
- *Myongji Elementary School: Christian school located in Hongeun-dong, Seodamun-gu in Seoul. You must have experience teaching children aged 6-12. You will have a co-teacher. You will teach 2-3 week camps during break and will get extra pay for this. Hours are 91m-5pm, but you only teach 25 hours per week. You'll get 3.1 mil won and 5 weeks of vacation, 2 in summer, 2 in winter, and 1 in spring. Email is joytou8554@gmail.com
- *Myongji University: Located in Yongin and Seoul. You'll get 2.3-2.5 a mil won, 600,000 for housing, severance, and a re-signing bonus of 1 mil won.
- Namseoul University: You'll get 2.3 mil won (with housing)-2.5 mil won (without housing) for teaching 12 hours per week. 5 months paid vacation.
- ONE (Only Native English): an English kindergarten located in Suwon. Here's a video about them.
- *PEA-I (Practical English Education Institute) Hagwon: One of the boutique hagwons. Pay is about 4 mil won a month for 6-10 hours of work a day. They don't advertise much; most people get jobs through networking. They usually prefer you to have your own visa, ie. F2, F4, F5, F6. Some people are able to make 10-15 mil during peak months.
- Pyeongtaek University: You'll teach 12 hours a week (usually only 3 days a week) and get 2.5 mil won plus 5 months vacation. It's a religious school so you will have to show a Christian certificate as well as a baptismal certificate and proof of volunteer work.
- Samsung HRDC (Human Resources Development Center): You'll be an Intensive English Program faculty member in Yongin.You'll work for 8 hours a day teaching and doing cultural activities. A fully furnished one bedroom apartment is provided in Bundang. Airfare, baggage allowance, transport, 6 weeks vacation, breakfast, and lunch are all provided. Employer will assist with relocation costs. Second and third year merit increases. MA in TESOL or Applied Linguistics, business experience, and teaching experience preferred. Salary is commensurate with experience. Telephone: 0231-320-2011
- Sangmyung University: Located in Seoul and Cheonan. You'll teach 14 hours per week and get 2.4 mil won plus 500,000 for housing.
- *Sehann Academy: They need SAT teachers. You must have high SAT scores and to have graduated from a top university. You can get 4-5 mil won with 4 weeks paid vacation and no benefits or get 4.3 mil won, severance, and 4 weeks vacation. You'll teach between 9am-6pm and may have to work weekends.
- Sejong University: You'll teach 15 hours per week and get 33-37 mil. You will also be eligible for scholarships for the Sejong MA in Asian Studies or the Sejong-Syracuse MBA.
- Seojeong University College: They'll get you an E1. Pay is 2.5 mil for 12 hours per week.
- *Seokyeong University (SKU): You'll teach 10 hours per week and have 10 office hours (but it seems like no one actually keeps them). You'll work 2-4 days per week, sign a 2 year contract, and get 2.4 mil won plus 300,000 for housing.
- Seoul National University (SNU): All of their positions give you 600,000 a month for housing, 1 mil for flights and discounts on their Korean language programmes. They have on campus housing. Studios are 398,000 and two bedrooms are 630,000. Key money is 3 months' rent.
- College English Program requires you to have at least 5 years teaching experience. You'll teach 12 hours per week and hold 2 office hours. 2.972 mil won, with overtime being 35,000.
- College of Medicine you'll teach in the language institute and get 2.47 (BA) - 2.67 (MA) mil won. Hours aren't specified.
- English Teacher Education Centre (NU IETTP) trains Korean secondary public school teachers. You'll work 18 hours per week and get 3 mil won.
- Language Education Institute (LEI) pays 2.8 mil won.
- TEP Centre pays 2.8 mil won and requires people to help write, proofread, edit, and grade test items for TEPS and other tests.
- Seoul National University of Science and Technology (SNUT): You'll get 3 mil, severance, 10 mil for key money, and if you renew you'll get a 600,000 bonus. You'll have to teach 14 hours and hold 3 office hours. You'll also have weekly meetings, support a special departmental project or student club, and participate in curriculum and materials development. You'll need an MA and 4 years teaching experience. Experience with MOODLE is preferred. They are particularly interested in teachers with experience in ALL, language testing/assessment, and ICC (Intercultural Communication). Overtime is 30,000-45,000 an hour. Perks include a large shared office, 1 mil relocation (for those residing outside of Korea), and auditing Korean language classes or being reimbursed (up to 200,000) for classes outside of the university.
- Seoul Women's University: For teaching 16 hours a week and 96 hours during intensive breaks, you'll get about 2.6 mil won and housing or a housing allowance of 500,000.
- *SMOE: Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education is similar to EPIK but for Seoul.
- *Sogang University: For teaching 15 hours a week you'll get 2.9 mil won. 10 mil key money or on-campus housing provided.
- Sookmyung Women's University: 3 mil won, 10 weeks vacation, and housing or an allowance. If you renew you'll get a signing bonus of $1000. I don't know how many hours there are per week.
- Soongsil University: They have a couple of positions.
- The Baird College and the Department of Language and Literature needs teachers to teach 15 hours per week. You'll get 3 mil won, 16 weeks vacation and a 2 year contract.
- The Department of English Language and Literature need people to teach either 12 or 15 hours per week. Pay is from 2.58 mil won - 3.1 mil won. Overtime is available at 30,000-50,000 won an hour. You can also earn 3-4 mil won during breaks. If you create a course you will get 1.5 mil won for doing so. You'll get a 2 year contract and 16 weeks vacation.
- *State University of New York Songdo: They need part-time teachers. Pay is 40,000-45,000 won an hour. Contact ktkim@sunykorea.ac.kr
- Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU): Located in Suwon and Seoul.
- English Language Institute: They pay about 3.46 mil won for 15 hours and give severance. MA required.
- International Office: They need someone to work Monday to Friday, from 9-5:30pm. You should have 3-5 years experience in a related field, a BA (preferably in Social Science, International Business, Business Admin, Marketing, or PR), and an MA (preferably in International Education, Student Affairs, International Relations/Studies). You will have to develop new partners for international collaboration, prepare reports, develop international programs, coordinate with departmental logistics, among others. Salary is pretty negotiable, but you should expect about 3.5 mil won, no housing, but you might be able to negotiate that. Only 15 days vacation. Contact intl@skku.edu
- Sungshin Women's University: For both departments you'll teach 12 hours per week and get 2.9-3.4 mil won, 16 weeks vacation, and an E1.
- General English Department: They seem to have a high turnover and hires last minute.
- Department of English Language and Literature: They seem to be much better and more stable.
- *Sydney TAFE Korea: BA, plus TEFL cert and at least 400 hours of teaching experience.
- University of Incheon: For teaching 16 hours a week you'll get 2.5 mil won, and300,000 housing. You must teach for 2 weeks during one of the breaks.
- University of Seoul: You'll teach 14 hours per week and get 3.2 mil won. Overtime is 40,000-60,000.
- Yeonsung University: Formerly Anyang Technical College. I've been told this university pays well, but I haven't found much. There's this thread on Dave's and it doesn't look good.
- *YBM GATE (Gifted and Talented Education): For gifted and talented students aged 5-7. They have more information about their programme here. Salary for subject teachers is 2.5-2.7 mil won plus free housing. If you're a homeroom teacher, you'll get a bit more. You'll work from 9am-6pm. You should have a major in Education, English, or Linguistics, or be a licensed teacher. They pay national health insurance and pension.
- Yongin University: Starting salary is 2.972 mil won per month. You'll also get housing or a 400,000 won allowance. You get a New Year and Chuseok bonus of 500,000 won each and 300,000 for a travel allowance. You'll work 12 hours per week, four days a week, and get 20 weeks vacation. There are no office hours and no camps. Overtime is 30,000 an hour. They advertise on their website. It's a great job, the only bad thing is that they always hire late. For a March start they will advertise in November, and have interviews in late December. For a September start they will advertise in June, and have interviews in late June. They usually don't extend job offers until 3-4 weeks after the interview.
- Yonsei University:They only advertise on their website nowadays. You'll get 3.0-3.5 mil won to start for teaching 12 hours per week.
- *Younghoon International Midde School: You'll get $32,000 a year plus severance, housing, and airfare.
- Asan Public Schools: Located in Chungcheongnam-do, Asan public school jobs are great. You can apply to them through one of three
companies: Sunmoon University, Soonchunhyun University, or the AOE. If you
google one of those plus Asan public schools you'll be able to find past
adverts and get in touch with someone (ex. Sunmoon University Asan
public school). Pay is 2.1 (if you have a BA) or 2.4 (if you have an
MA). You'll work between 9am-4pm, which is better than other public
school programmes that are 8:30am-4:30pm. Anything over 20 hours per
week is paid at 25,000 an hour. Some people have earned up to an extra
900,000 a month. You might have to teach at more than one school though.
You'll get 300,000 for housing, 100,000 for travel, and 9 weeks of paid
vacation (most public schools give 4 weeks).
- Catholic Kwangdong University: Located in Gangneung City. You'll get 2.7 mil plus 300,000 for housing, and 14 weeks vacation for teaching 12 hours per week and keeping 6 office hours. They have a 2 year contract.
- Cheongju University: Located in Cheongju. You'll get 2.723 mil for teaching 12 hours per week and hold 2 office hours. You'll work 4 days per week. Housing is provided. You may work up to 6 hours of overtime, which is paid at 25,000-30,000 an hour. 4 months of vacation.
- Chosun University: Located in Gwangju. Their Language Education Institute pays about 2.6 mil for 12-14 hours of teaching a week. 2 yearly bonuses of 1 mil each are given as well. Their General Education College pays about 3.2 mil for 8 hours of teaching.
- Chungwoon University: Located in Chungnam. You'll be teaching 15 hours per week and get 2.5-3 mil won plus housing.
- *Daekyung University: Located in Gyeongsan. Teachers with a background in film, theatre, modelling, food preparation, dance, or sports are needed to teach 15 hours a week. Office hours are 9am-6pm. Pay ranges from 36-40 mil won. On campus housing or an allowance will be given. E2 visa holders will get severance, but E1 visa holders will not. If hired from abroad, airfare will be provided. You must work summer and winter camps. There is 2 weeks vacation in the summer and 2 in the winter.
- Dongguk University's Paramita College: Located in Gyeongju. For teaching 12 hours a week of credit courses, plus 1 addition course, and holding 2 office hours you will get 2.5 (BA) 2.65 (MA), or 2.8 (PhD) mil won a month plus 2 months vacation.
- *Global Prodigy Academy: Part of Jeonju University in Jeollabuk-do, GPA is a college prep international high school from grades 7-12. Licensed teachers and master degree holders preferred.You'll teach 20 hours per week plus 3 hours of sports. Pay is 2.25 mil won - 3 mil won. 8 weeks of vacation in summer and winter and a studio apartment.
- *GnB (Girls and Boys): This is a huge chain and they often get a bad rep, but some of them are good. The one in Daun-dong, Ulsan has a very low turnover. The director is fantastic and she backs her teachers up. You'll get 2.4 mil won plus housing. They pay national health insurance, but may not be paying pension.
- Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST): You'll get 3.41 mil won plus severance for teaching 12 hours of credit courses or 9 hours plus 6 hours at the one-on-one clinic. You may have to teach 2 workshops (90-120 minutes) per semester. On campus housing and a private office. I wasn't going to add this school because I was told that they got rid of all their teachers in order to hire new ones at a lower salary. Hopefully things have changed!
- Gyeongname Provincial Namhae College: They need teachers to teach 12 hours a week. Pay is 2.7 mil won a month and overtime is 35,000 an hour. Housing is provided.
- Hallym University: Located in Gangwon-do you'll be teaching 15 hours per week and get 3 mil a month.
- Handong Global University: Located in Pohang. It's a very Christian university. It says "God's University" on the front of the admin building. One of your references will have to be from a pastor and they require teachers to sign statements of faith. You'll teach 16 hours per week and get 38.2-39.9 mil plus housing, 16 weeks vacation and airfare.
- Hannam University. Located in Daejeon.
- The Linton Global College needs teachers to teach 9 hours a week. You'll get 24-51 mil won, an E1 visa, and housing. Christian university.
- *Hanseo University: Located in Seosan. You'll get 2.5 mil won plus housing for teaching 15 hours a week.
- Hanshin University: Located in Osan. You'll get 2 mil plus 500,000 for housing for working 9 hours in the Department of Language and Literature.
- Hongik University: You'll teach 15 hours over 4 days per week. You'll also hold 4 office hours per week. You'll get a 2 year contract. Salary is about 3.5 mil won for Seoul, a higher salary is offered for the position in Jochiwon. Your MA must be from an English speaking country and done on campus. No distance/online degrees are accepted.
- *Hoseo University: Located in Cheonan-asan in Chungnam Province. You'll get about 2.5 mil won a month and 400,000 for housing. You'll have to teach for 15 hours and overtime is 30,000-50,000 an hour. They require teachers to have a Christian background.
- *Lee Sang Hee Preparatory School: Located in Pohang. They pay 38 mil a year (this includes severance), plus give airfare, and a two bedroom fully furnished apartment. You'll get 15 days paid vacation. You teach 25 hours a week and mainly teach 1st-8th graders. Teachers stay an average of 4.5 years. MA in Education, Early Childhood, Linguistics or related field or BA in Early Childhood with experience required. Here's info about them on Waygook and Dave's.
- *JLP (Jeollanamdo Language Program): This program is an off-shoot from EPIK. JAL and the Gimhae programme are among the two most competitive public school jobs out there. The base salary is 2.0-2.7 mil won plus housing. In summer you'll get 8 days off and in winter you'll have 24 days off. If you renew your contract you'll get an extra 7 days off. In addition to national health insurance, pension, and severance, you'll be given a settlement allowance of 300,000, an entrance allowance of 1.3 mil and an exit allowance of 1.3 mil. If you teach in the four island counties: Shinan, Wando, Jindo, and Goheung, you'll get a rural allowance of 200,000 won. It's also more than likely that you'd teach at multiple schools, which would mean you'd get an extra 150,000 won. This means that the max normal potential is 3,050,000 won per month. You'll teach up to 22 hours a week, but you usually teach fewer hours than that because schools are small and end up with filler activities. Unlike EPIK and GEPIK which are cutting positions due to funding, JAL is expanding.
- Jungwon University: For teaching 15 hours per week you'll get 2.5-3 mil won, a studio apartment, and 7 weeks vacation. Overtime is 15,000 per hour.
- *Kongju National University: Located in Chungcheongnam-do. They pay 2.5-2.8 mil won for 18 hours a week. Housing is provided. 10 weeks vacation.
- Konkuk University: Located in Chungcheongbuk-do
- The Department of English Language and Literature needs teachers to teach 9-12 hours per week. You'll get 2.75-3.75 mil plus 5 months vacation. Overtime is 24,200 per hour. They have a publish or perish rule: it has to be in a KCI journal and you'll get 1-2 mil per publication. You will get housing and a relocation allowance up to 2 mil won.
- The General Education Department needs teachers to teach 12-18 hours per week. You'll get 2.75-3.75 mil plus 5 months vacation.
- *Korea Minjok Leadership Academy (aka Minsa or KMLA): Located in Gangwon-do. It's an elite prep school similar to Daewon Foreign Language School. You'll get 3.5-4.5 mil plus room and board. Minimum of an MA, PhD is preferred.
- Korea Nazarene University: You'll teach for 18 hours and get 2.52 mil won plus 300,000 for housing. Be that this university is openly discriminatory. You cannot drink or smoke or be gay. Also if you don't attend a Nazarene church your contract will not be renewed.
- Korea University: Located in Jochiwon. The IFLS (Institute of Foreign Language Studies) needs teachers to teach 18 hours per week. You'll get 3.5 mil won, roundtrip airfare, an E1 visa, and at least 8 weeks vacation.
- Kwangwoon University: Kwangmoon Institute of Language Education requires you to teach 16 hours during the semester and for 4 weeks during the breaks. You will get 2.7 mil won plus 300,000 won for housing and 14 weeks vacation.
- *Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH): For teaching 12 hours of university classes plus 6-9 in the language center you'll get 2.58 plus 35,000 an hour for the classes in the language center. Housing is provided.
- *Tamna University: Located in Jeju they offer 3.1 mil a month for teaching 12-15 hours a week. Housing is provided. 8 weeks vacation.
- *Ulsan University of Science and Technology (UNIST): For teaching 18 hours a week, you'll get 2.7-3.0 mil won. Housing is provided and there's 8 weeks vacation.
- *University of Ulsan: You will teach up to 10 hours per week and hold 2 office hours. During breaks you will have to teach for 14 hours a week for 4 weeks. You will get a 15-22 pyeong apartment, 4 weeks vacation in the summer, and 6 weeks in the winter. Severance, a contract renewal bonus of 500,000, and a one way ticket to your home country (only one ticket is provided when you stop working there) are provided.
- Woosong University and Colleges: The Woosong Educational Foundation includes Woosong University, Woosong Information College, Woosong Language Institute, and Solbridge International Business School. For teaching 20 hours a week and holding 4 office hours you'll get 2.6-3.2 mil. There's a relocation allowance of 40,000 per day (up to 7 days), 1 mil for airfare, and severance after the completion of the second year's contract and every contract thereafter. Housing will either be provided (single and family housing is available) or a stipend of 400,000 for single teachers or 500,000 for married teachers or those with families. 6 weeks paid vacation. Free Korean classes. Staff discounts at Woosong affiliated businesses, such as restaurants, car care, gyms, and indoor swimming pools. They also have a condo at Daecheon beach available for staff by reservation. There are also staff discounts to study an MA TESOL-MALL at Woosong and/or an MBA at Solbridge.
- Won Kwang University: Located in Iksan. For teaching 9 hours of teaching and keeping 6 office hours you'll get 2.5 mil won. Housing is provided on campus. Summer and winter vacation are given, but I don't know how long.
- Yonsei University: Located in Wonju. I wasn't sure if I should add this school. A couple years ago they were offering 3.5 for 15 hours. Now it's 2.5-2.8 mil for 18 hours (anything beyond that is paid at 30,000) and 4 office hours. You'll also get a relocation allowance of 500,000, reimbursement for transfer visa fees, housing, 10 weeks vacation, and an E1 visa. There's some sketchy stuff going on there though.
Your Opinion
What do you think about TEFLing in Korea?
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This is a useful article. It would be cool if you could devote a list to those of us without masters. I know you covered some hagwons and public school systems, but it was really drowned out by the uni stuff. It's tough to wade through all the bad hagwon jobs and really identify those that have good benefits. A list of hagwons that go above and beyond to offer a better deal would be awesome.
ReplyDeleteI'll see what I can do!
DeleteHey Ruth,
DeleteI just updated it. All places (hagwons, universities, etc) that don't require an MA now have an asteriks (*) in front of them. I've added a handful of hagwons as well. Hope this helps!
ReplyDeleteDo all of them demand native speakers? I have a bachelor, masters,m. phil and TESOL
ReplyDeleteYep, usually they do. They usually require you to be from one of 7 countries: US, UK, Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, or South Africa. Some places might accept other nationalities. It's best to check the advert or call the university.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know where to find information about Samsung HRDC positions online? Do they hire E-2 visas or only F-series? I've looked but haven't had much luck finding anything.
ReplyDeleteI met someone at a conference who worked for them. Here's a job advert, old, but you still might try contacting them. http://www.esljobfeed.com/ESLfeed-JobPostingPage.php?read=14830